
Eco-Friendly Nutraceutical Blister Films

At kp, we are proud to present kpEnhance® RM1 blister films, a sustainable packaging solution designed to be recycled in the RIC 1 stream. PET, one of the most widely recycled materials today, forms the foundation of our kpEnhance® RM1 films. These films not only showcase our commitment to sustainability but also offer unmatched optical clarity, making them ideal for dietary supplements and nutraceutical products. Join us in our mission to close the loop and prevent plastic pollution with kpEnhance® RM1.

Our commitment to sustainability!

kpEnhance® RM1 blister films incorporate a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content, ensuring closed-loop recyclability while meeting rigorous regulatory standards. Leveraging superior raw material quality and carefully chosen sources, we have collaborated with our partners to create a robust traceability model. This model enables you to trace all materials back to their initial source of product or collection, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain.

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Sustainability is a core value for kp, reflected in our production of top-notch recyclable products that include both post-consumer and pre-consumer recycled content across all our business segments. As a significant global user of PCR material, we actively contribute to fostering a closed-loop economy.  kpEnhance RM1 products are designed to be recycled in the RIC 1 stream and are certified as such.  As we back up our claims, we invite you to download a copy for your records.

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The clarity of our films enhances the perception of purity and cleanliness, aligning perfectly with dietary supplements. With kpEnhance® RM1 nutraceutical films, brands can showcase their products with unparalleled clarity, making them visually appealing to consumers!

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Join Us in Protecting Our Oceans!

At kp, we're committed to keeping our oceans clean. That's why we use Prevented Ocean Plastic™ (POP™) to produce kpEnhance®. This certified material is sourced from coastal areas at risk of plastic pollution, within 50km of ocean coastlines or major waterways. By using POP™ resin, we've prevented 3,600 tons or 7,936,641 pounds of materials from entering our oceans – equivalent to over 180 million bottles!

Join us in our mission to close the loop and prevent plastic pollution. Together, we can make a significant impact on our environment and support the well-being of local communities.

Prevented Ocean Plastics Picture


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